Wednesday, August 29, 2007

United States Education Video News

Is violence in public schools and universities an issue you're concerned about? After watching one of the video news programs above, be prepared to discuss what are some of the current issues of violence in U.S. educational institutions, and what students, families, police, and public officials are doing to prevent more crime from happening.

Environmental Issues in Today's World

After watching at least one video from the environmental video news programs above, would you say that people need to take better care of the environment? Why is it important for people to be good caretakers of the environment? What are the consequences if people continue to polute and over-use the resources our planet offers?

Latest Video News From Africa

Scroll down through the news and find a program that deals either with the issues in Darfur region, or Somalia, in general. After watching at least one news program on these topics, think about the issues that the people in Somalia and the Darfur region are facing in their day to day lives. How are their lives different from the lives of people living in the peaceful and economically thriving United States of America? Would you say that the people of Somalia are more capable of dealing with difficulties than the people of the United States of America? Be prepared to explain your answer.

Health: Diseases in the News

While most of the countries of Africa face severe drought and malnutrition, there is a grave epidemic in the United States: obesity. Watch a news video on obesity and be ready to discuss how obesity affects the individual and his society.

United States Presidential Campaign 2008 - The Road to the White House

If you were able to vote at this time, have you considered which political party you'd be part of? Is it Republican, Democrat, or one of the numerous other parties? Who would you like to be the next president of the United States? Watch one of the video news above to help you focus more on the issues involved. Are the news helping you understand the issues that the presidential candidates are discussing, or are they simply helping spread more of the social gossip going around?

United States and the Iraq War Video News

What are some of your thoughts on the Iraq War after watching at least one news video? Should we stay longer and fix the problems there, or should we have our soldiers return back to USA as soon as possible?

Watch The Latest International Video News Here

Please watch at least one International News Story that you are interested in and think about it in the context of world issues that need to be resolved. Is the world in trouble? What needs to be done?